VIRTUE | Building Google Sites for Business & Learning

EnSync Learning's first collaboration this year with AAI Global Academy is a specialised version of my VIRTUE | Virtual Interactive & Responsive Tools for Utility & Education workshop focused just on Google Sites.

If you are a hands-on entrepreneur who wants their own website but don't want to pay a designer every time you need something updated, then this is the workshop for you!

If you are an educator or trainer who runs hybrid or virtual classes and want a colourful and interactive learning site to for your course materials, then this is definitely for you!

Come and learn the fundamental functions of the Google Site builder and how to build static company websites and landing pages as well as course repositories and learning sites for your participants to interact with. At the end of the virtual workshop, you will learn how to purchase and link your domain to the website you created.

Register at:

Or inquire at WhatsApp +6016 3085 789 (Nadzrin)

The course will run on 14 Jan 2023, 9am - 5pm on Zoom at RM101.10 per person.

You will benefit from my experience in journalism, marketing and public relations as well as my understanding of information and persuasion. I will cover the following topics:

A. Fundamental Functionality

B. Building Websites & Landing Pages

C. Building Repositories & Interactive Learning Pages

D. Linking Domains & Managing DNS

BONUS: 30 Days FREE WhatsApp Group Coaching